| 2024 Agenda


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Chairperson’s Opening Address


Exploring The Future Of Urban Air Mobility:
Insights From Idtechex’s 2024-2044 eVTOL Report

Shazan Siddiqi, Senior Technology Analyst, IDTechEx

  • Discover the latest advancements in aviation-grade batteries, electric motors, propulsion systems, and composite materials that are driving the development of eVTOL aircraft, making urban air mobility a feasible and efficient transport solution
  • Gain insights into the economic feasibility of eVTOL deployments in various urban settings, understanding where these aircraft can provide a cost-effective and time-saving alternative to traditional modes of transport
  • Learn about the current state of regulatory developments, including certification processes and the challenges that eVTOL companies face as they move towards commercial operations
  • Examine the role of major aerospace and automotive companies in the eVTOL market, including investments in technology and infrastructure, as well as collaborations aimed at accelerating the development and deployment of air taxis
  • Explore 20-year outlook for the eVTOL air taxi market, including forecasts for sales, market revenue, battery demand, and battery market revenue, to understand the long-term potential and growth trajectory of this innovative transport sector

Paving The Way To eVTOL Commercialization

An in-depth analysis of the journey towards the commercialization of Archer’s aircraft. Archer will share insights on the current state of the industry, market demand, regulatory hurdles, sustainability efforts, and the crucial role of partnerships. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the strategies and challenges involved in bringing eVTOL technology to market.
Recent Developments and Key Milestones:
  • Overview of significant advancements and achievements in the eVTOL sector over the past year
  • Highlighting Archer’s progress and contributions to these developments
Market Demand and Positioning
  • Analyzing the market demand for eVTOL aircraft across different segments, from urban air mobility to regional transport
  • How Archer is strategically positioning itself to capture these market opportunities
Navigating Regulatory Landscapes
  • Exploring the regulatory environment for eVTOL commercialization
  • Key milestones and challenges that Archer and other eVTOL companies must overcome to achieve certification and regulatory approval
Sustainability and Environmental Impact
  • Addressing the increasing focus on sustainability within the aviation industry
  • How Archer is implementing sustainable practices and technologies to reduce its environmental footprint
Partnerships and Ecosystem Building
  • The importance of building a robust ecosystem through strategic partnerships and collaborations
  • Examples of successful partnerships that are advancing the eVTOL industry
Building Trust in eVTOL Technology:
  • Assessing public perceptions of eVTOL aircraft and strategies to enhance acceptance
  • Archer’s approach to engaging with the public and building trust in their technology
Scaling Manufacturing and Infrastructure, Meeting Commercial Demands:
  • Insights into the challenges and strategies for scaling manufacturing processes to meet the demands of commercialization
  • Developing the necessary infrastructure and operations to support large-scale eVTOL deployment

The Future Of eVTOL Battery Technologies: Innovations And Challenges

Dr. John Warner, Chief Customer Officer, American Battery Solutions
Exploring the latest innovations and challenges in advanced chemistry and battery pack technologies for eVTOL aircraft. An in-depth look at how the industry is adapting to new technologies, overcoming supply chain hurdles, and leveraging lessons from the automotive sector to advance eVTOL battery solutions.
Evolving Battery Landscape for eVTOLs
  • Understanding which land EV technologies can be adapted for eVTOLs and which require redevelopment
  • The impact of continuous innovation in the battery landscape on eVTOL development
Pack and Cell Innovations:
  • Overview of current and emerging pack and cell technologies
  • Addressing upstream supply chain challenges faced by the industry
  • In-depth look at advancements in lithium-ion, lithium-sulfur, sodium-ion, semi-solid state, solid state, silicon anodes, lithium-metal, and air batteries
  • Exploring cell-to-pack and cell-to-chassis technologies and their implications for eVTOL efficiency and safety
US Supply Chain Challenges:
  • Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act and proposed EPA/NHTSA regulations on the eVTOL battery supply chain
  • Strategies to mitigate supply chain disruptions and ensure sustainable sourcing of critical materials
Next-Generation Technologies:
  • Potential future developments in battery technologies that could revolutionize eVTOL performance
  • Research and development trends focusing on enhancing energy density, reducing weight, and improving safety
Sustainability and Environmental Impact:
  • Exploring sustainable practices in battery production and recycling
  • Addressing environmental concerns associated with battery disposal and material sourcing

Advancing eVTOL HIL Validation Testing: Innovations From Tip-To-Tail

Peter Blume, President, Bloomy
Grant Gothing, Chief Technology Officer, Bloomy
This session will delve into the latest innovations and methodologies in HIL validation, addressing the unique challenges posed by eVTOL systems and introducing new solutions for comprehensive testing from components to full-vehicle integration.
Advanced HIL Validation for eVTOLs
  • Recap of the importance of HIL validation testing in the eVTOL industry
  • Overview of recent advancements and their significance for eVTOL development
Multi-Level HIL Validation Testing
  • Detailed examination of component-level HIL validation testing
  • Innovations in testing individual eVTOL components for improved accuracy and reliability
  • Strategies for comprehensive full-vehicle “copper bird” integration testing
  • New methodologies to ensure seamless integration and performance validation
Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Testing:
  • Challenges of safely testing and simulating battery energy storage systems in eVTOLs
  • Advanced techniques to address thermal management, safety, and efficiency during BESS testing
Controller and Software Testing:
  • Ensuring the reliability of controllers and software through advanced HIL testing
  • Solutions to overcome challenges in simulating and validating control systems in eVTOLs
Cutting-Edge HIL Testing Tools:
  • Presentation of the latest commercially available HIL testing tools and technologies
  • Case studies demonstrating the application and benefits of these tools in real-world eVTOL testing scenarios
Integration of Simulation with HIL Testing:
  • Enhancing HIL testing through integration with advanced simulation techniques
  • Practical examples of how simulation can complement HIL testing for more robust validation

Pioneering Multi-Material Assembly In eVTOL Manufacturing With Advanced Friction Welding Techniques

Arnaud Gug, Director of Product Management, EJOT Industrial Division
The latest advancements in friction welding technologies and their transformative impact on the manufacturing of eVTOL vehicles. Attendees will gain insights into how cutting-edge fastener solutions and innovative welding processes can enhance the integration of multi-material assemblies, crucial for the evolving eVTOL industry.
Innovative Fastener Solutions for Multi-Material Structures
  • Explore the pivotal role of advanced fasteners in adapting to the new demands of multi-material battery structures and ultra-high strength steels
  • Understand how these fasteners can optimize the use of lightweight materials in eVTOL manufacturing
Reliable Production Processes for Diverse Material Integration
  • Learn about the necessity for production processes that can seamlessly integrate various materials and thicknesses
  • Discover methods to meet the high-volume demands of battery manufacturing in the eVTOL sector
Advantages of Friction Welding in Manufacturing Efficiency
  • Examine the game-changing benefits of rapid and straightforward friction welding processes
  • Understand how these processes can significantly reduce cycle times without the need for surface preparation or pre-drilled holes
Minimal Heat Affected Zone and Compact Profile in Friction Welding
  • Unlock the potential benefits of friction welding, including minimal heat affected zones and compact profiles
  • Explore the versatility of friction welding when used in conjunction with various adhesives, revolutionizing manufacturing efficiency

Thermal Management Strategies For eVTOLs – Enhancing Charging Speed, Extending Range, And Preventing Thermal Propagation

Bret Trimmer, Applications Engineering Manager, NeoGraf Solutions
The critical thermal management strategies required to meet the unique challenges of eVTOL vehicles. Insights into how advanced thermal management can accelerate charging, extend operational range, and prevent thermal runaway, ensuring the safety and efficiency of eVTOL operations.
Optimizing Thermal Regulation:
  • Understanding the thermal challenges of fast charging in eVTOL batteries
  • Implementing strategies to reduce heat buildup during rapid charging cycles
Innovative Materials for Heat Dissipation:
  • Exploring the role of advanced materials like flexible graphite in managing heat during charging
  • Case studies on successful applications of these materials in current eVTOL prototypes
Enhancing Thermal Conductivity:
  • Techniques to improve thermal conductivity, enhancing overall battery efficiency
  • Balancing thermal management with energy consumption to maximize flight range
Thermal Interface Materials (TIMs):
  • Identifying the essential characteristics of stable and effective TIMs, including thermal conductivity, adhesion strength, and stability under varying conditions
  • Understanding the role of TIMs in maintaining battery performance over extended use
Understanding and Mitigating Thermal Runaway:
  • Analyzing the causes and effects of thermal runaway in eVTOL battery systems
  • Exploring strategies to prevent propagation of thermal events, ensuring passenger and vehicle safety
Materials and Design Innovations:
  • Innovations in materials and design to contain and mitigate the impact of thermal runaway
Physical Properties for High-Volume Manufacturing:
  • Specific physical properties required for TIMs to ensure consistency, reliability, and scalability in eVTOL production
  • Ensuring TIMs are suitable for high-volume manufacturing processes
Production Process Enhancements:
  • Strategies to enhance production efficiency, reduce costs, and streamline workflows
  • Minimizing waste and optimizing resource utilization in the manufacturing of thermal interface materials

Enhancing eVTOL Performance With Advanced High Power And High Voltage Connectivity Solutions

Peter J. Straub, President, Interconnect and Sensor Systems Division, Amphenol
The critical role of advanced high power and high voltage connectors in overcoming the unique challenges of eVTOL systems. Attendees will explore the importance of reliable connectivity in high power and high voltage applications, and how innovative solutions can meet the stringent demands of the eVTOL sector.
Customizability and Versatility for Diverse eVTOL Applications
  • How advanced connectors can be customized to meet specific requirements of different eVTOL designs
  • Case studies showcasing successful integration of high power connectors in various eVTOL models
  • Exploration of advanced contact technologies that enhance connector performance and durability
  • Benefits of high current carrying capacity for improving eVTOL system efficiency
  • Exploration of future trends in high power and high voltage connectivity
  • Potential advancements in connector technologies that will further support the evolving needs of the eVTOL industry
  • Overview of the operational challenges eVTOL systems face at high altitudes and under varying environmental conditions
  • Ensuring reliability and safety with partial discharge-free performance at high altitudes
  • Versatility in different shell styles to meet diverse eVTOL application needs

Morning Networking Break


Pioneering eVTOL Battery Development With Integrated Advanced Simulation And Testing

Waldemar Linares, Director of California, AVL
Session Overview:
This session will build upon the foundational concepts from last year, exploring the latest advancements in integrating advanced simulation and testing technologies for eVTOL battery development. Presenting cutting-edge methodologies that enhance battery efficiency, performance, safety, and reliability while reducing development time and costs.
Next-Generation Battery Systems for eVTOL Imperative for High-Performance Systems:
  • Addressing the increasing demand for efficient and high-performance battery systems in the eVTOL industry
  • Latest trends and requirements for eVTOL batteries to meet operational and safety standards
Innovations in Advanced Simulation and Testing Beyond Conventional Methods:
  • Overcoming the limitations of traditional battery development with state-of-the-art simulation and testing technologies
  • Detailed exploration of new tools and methods enhancing battery design and optimization
  • Utilizing advanced simulation tools to predict battery behavior under various conditions
  • Innovations in simulation techniques that provide more accurate and comprehensive insights
Cutting-Edge Testing Technologies, Performance Evaluation:
  • Leveraging the latest testing technologies to evaluate battery performance rigorously
  • Case studies demonstrating the impact of advanced testing on battery development
  • Creating synergies between simulation and testing to streamline development cycles
  • Practical examples of how integrated approaches can expedite the development process
Establishing Seamless Development Workflows
  • Strategies for integrating simulation and testing into a cohesive development workflow
  • Best practices for ensuring a seamless transition from simulation insights to physical testing
  • Using simulation insights for effective test planning
  • Validating simulation models with real-world data to enhance reliability and accuracy

More Than Flying Cars: eVTOL Battery Analysis Reveals Unique Operating Demands

This session that delves into the pioneering research and development of specialized batteries for electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft. Learn about the unique power requirements, challenges, and breakthroughs that are shaping the future of airborne electric vehicles.
  • Varying Power Requirements: Understanding the need for different power levels during various flight phases such as takeoff, climb, hover, and descent
  • Battery Longevity and Durability: Addressing how high power demands can reduce battery lifespan and performance
  • Thermal Management: Managing high temperatures generated during rapid power draw phases
  • Battery Design for High Power Draw: Evaluating lithium-ion batteries under extreme conditions to understand material degradation and performance
  • Energy-Dense Materials: Development of new materials to improve energy density and battery performance
  • Battery Control Systems: Creating systems to balance high power bursts with long-range energy reserves
  • Simulated Flight Cycles: Running batteries through simulated eVTOL flight phases and analyzing performance
  • Material Degradation Studies: Investigating chemical and structural changes in battery materials post high-power cycling
  • Electrolyte Performance: Testing new ORNL-developed electrolytes against current standards to improve capacity retention
  • Diverse Performance Metrics: Emphasizing the importance of measuring battery performance beyond simple capacity metrics
  • Safety Considerations: Discussing the safety implications of battery performance during flight and the ongoing quest for reliable solutions

Revolutionizing eVTOL Power With The Promise Of Lithium-Sulphur Batteries

  • Overcome the limitations of Lithium-Ion batteries that face challenges such as mineral dependency, supply chain constraints, costs, and safety risks
  • Discuss whether super materials like 3D Graphene can pave the way for widespread electrification? Instead of incremental improvements to Lithium-Ion chemistry, explore the potential of Lithium-Sulphur battery chemistry
  • Understand the advantages of Lithium-Sulphur: Lithium-Sulphur offers high energy density, lightweight properties, and improved safety without the need for nickel, cobalt, manganese, or graphite in the cathode or anode
  • Explain the technology behind the accelerated progress that was not expected to advance by the 2030s, Lithium-Sulphur technology is advancing ahead of schedule, thanks to innovations like 3D Graphene, promising a sooner-than-expected transition to this promising battery chemistry

Soaring To New Heights With Hydrogen Fuel Cell Innovations In eVTOL Aviation

John Piasecki, President & CEO, Piasecki Aircraft Corporation
  • Understand the landscape of existing eVTOL projects that are incorporating hydrogen high-temperature fuel cells, highlighting the technological advancements and the companies leading the charge in this innovative sector
  • Discover the advantages of using hydrogen fuel cells in electric aviation, including increased energy efficiency, longer range, and reduced environmental impact, making them a superior choice for sustainable flight
  • Learn from the experiences and lessons of implementing hydrogen fuel cell technology in eVTOL aircraft, examining the technical and operational challenges encountered and the solutions developed to overcome them
  • Explore the critical safety protocols and measures necessary for the successful integration of hydrogen high-temperature fuel cells in aviation, addressing concerns related to hydrogen storage, handling, and overall aircraft safety
  • Gain foresight into the future of hydrogen-powered eVTOLs, including anticipated technological advancements, regulatory developments, and the potential for widespread adoption in the urban air mobility market

The Advantages And Challenges Of Unleashing Liquid Hydrogen On eVTOL Aviation

Hugh Kelly, VP Marketing, Alakai Technologies
  • Understand that liquid hydrogen presents significant challenges in infrastructure development due to limited existing transport and storage infrastructure, as well as high costs associated with complex storage systems
  • Despite challenges, liquid hydrogen offers performance advantages over battery electric energy, including better range, flight duration, and payload capacity for rotary-wing eVTOL vehicles.
  • Learn that liquid hydrogen aircraft boast faster recharge or refuelling cycles compared to battery-powered counterparts, enhancing operational efficiency and turnaround times
  • Acknowledge that while batteries offer simplicity, many eVTOL developers are exploring liquid hydrogen for its zero carbon emissions, aligning with global efforts towards sustainable aviation
  • Discuss how the pursuit of carbon-free technology has spurred substantial investment from governments and private sectors, driving research and development in liquid hydrogen as a clean energy source for eVTOL aviation

Networking Lunch Break


Reducing Noise In eVTOLs: Critical Areas For Improvement And Innovative Solutions

Noise reduction is a pivotal challenge for eVTOL manufacturers, impacting both passenger comfort and environmental acceptance in urban settings. This technical conference session will focus on the critical areas where noise reduction can be improved in eVTOL aircraft, exploring innovative solutions and best practices.
  • Identify the critical areas where noise reduction can be improved in eVTOL aircraft
  • Understand the sources of noise in eVTOLs and their impact on urban environments
  • Explore innovative design modifications and materials for reducing noise in propulsion systems, aerodynamics, and rotors
  • Learn about the implementation of advanced technologies such as active noise control and computational fluid dynamics for noise mitigation
  • Discuss regulatory requirements and community engagement strategies for noise reduction
  • Gain insights into future trends and collaborative efforts in eVTOL noise reduction

Optimizing SWaP For eVTOL Aircraft: Key Challenges And Solutions

Martin Cullen, Global eVTOL Lead, TE Connectivity
Join us for a comprehensive session that delves into the critical challenges and innovative solutions for optimizing Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) in electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft.
  • Techniques for designing smaller components without compromising functionality
  • Optimal battery placement and efficient systems integration
  • Balancing battery weight with passenger and cargo load
  • Designing efficient propulsion systems and advanced power management
  • Ensuring system redundancy and reliable electronics
  • Designing systems to operate efficiently in varied weather conditions
  • Ensuring long-term durability and resistance to environmental stresses
  • Developing scalable and cost-effective manufacturing processes
  • Minimizing maintenance and focusing on lifecycle management
  • Understand the critical size, weight, and power challenges in eVTOL development
  • Explore innovative materials and design techniques to optimize SWaP
  • Learn about advancements in battery technology and power management

Lightweight To Elevate

This session will discuss the crucial role of advanced composites in making electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft viable, focusing on lightweight, high-strength materials that enable maximum flight efficiency with minimal power usage.
  • Key application areas: primary structures, propulsion components, interior cabin parts, battery covers, and more
  • Detailed examples of various eVTOL components
  • Fiber reinforced composite materials in eVTOL aircraft
  • Benefits of thermosets and thermoplastics: strong, lightweight structures, and rapid production
Propulsion Systems: Requirements for lightweight and durable eVTOL propulsion systems.
  • Common components: fuselages, wings, landing gear, flight control structures
Structural Components
  • fuselages, wings, landing gear, and flight control structures such as flaps, ailerons, spoilers/speed brakes, elevators, and ruddervators
Battery Racks and Boxes
  • High-temperature resistance and durability requirements
  • Thermosets, Thermoplastics, and bulk molding compounds for battery components
  • Cabin components such as wall dividers, seatbacks, floor panels, and stowage compartments must meet form and function
Platform Protection
  • Surface films, lightning strike protection, galvanic barriers

eVTOL Cabins: The Next Big Opportunity For Cabin Suppliers

The design and manufacturing of their interiors present unique challenges and opportunities. This session will delve into the complexities of creating comfortable, functional, and lightweight cabin interiors that meet the rigorous demands of eVTOL transportation. We will explore insights from leading industry players, discuss the balance between aesthetics and functionality, and highlight the role of innovative materials in achieving optimal designs.
Key Challenges in eVTOL Cabin Design
  • Balancing Comfort and Functionality: Designing interiors that are comfortable and functional without being overly luxurious
  • Weight and Cost Constraints: Managing the trade-offs between weight, cost, and functionality in interior components
  • Passenger Experience: Addressing passenger comfort, safety, and usability in confined spaces
  • The role of lightweight and sustainable materials in eVTOL cabin design
  • Opportunities for suppliers to create unique, tailored solutions for different eVTOL platforms
  • Developing lightweight seats and interior components that meet stringent safety standards
  • Innovations in lightweight seating and the importance of material selection
  • Manufacturing and Scalability: Meeting the demands of high-volume production while maintaining quality and cost-effectiveness
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring that interior designs meet safety and regulatory requirements
  • Emerging Trends: Anticipating future trends in materials, design, and passenger experience
  • Exploring how designers can push the boundaries of creativity in eVTOL interiors

Advanced Acoustic Insulation And Materials For eVTOL Noise Reduction

This in-depth technical session will focus on the critical role of acoustic insulation and advanced materials in reducing noise in eVTOL aircraft. Attendees will explore the latest innovations in noise-dampening materials, their application in the cabin and airframe, and the selection of lightweight, sound-absorbing materials.
  • Introduction to materials commonly used for acoustic insulation, including composites, foams, and polymers
  • Benefits and limitations of different noise-dampening materials
  • Recent advancements in materials science that enhance noise dampening capabilities
  • Integration of nanomaterials and metamaterials for superior acoustic performance
  • Strategies for insulating the cabin to reduce internal noise levels
  • Use of multi-layer insulation systems combining various materials for optimal noise reduction
  • Selection of lightweight, sound-absorbing materials for cabin interiors.
  • Techniques for integrating noise-dampening materials into the airframe structure
  • Importance of material placement and thickness for effective noise reduction
  • Balancing noise reduction with the need for lightweight materials to maintain flight efficiency

Overcoming Software And Control System Challenges In eVTOL Development

The development of software and control systems for electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft presents several significant challenges. These challenges are critical to ensuring the safety, reliability, and efficiency of eVTOL operations. Here are the main challenges in this domain:
  • Fault Tolerance and Redundancy: Strategies to handle system failures and implement redundant systems
  • Real-Time Operation: Techniques for real-time processing and decision-making in dynamic flight conditions
  • Autonomous Flight Control: Designing algorithms for fully autonomous flight, including navigation and obstacle avoidance
  • Machine Learning and AI: Leveraging AI for adaptive control and improved decision-making
  • Certification of Autonomous Systems: Navigating the certification standards for autonomous flight systems
  • System Integration: Best practices for integrating software with hardware components
  • Interoperability: Ensuring seamless interaction with air traffic control and ground infrastructure
  • Certification Processes: Understanding the certification requirements set by aviation authorities
  • Cybersecurity: Protecting control systems from cyber threats and ensuring data integrity
  • Variable Weather Conditions: Developing control systems that operate reliably under diverse weather conditions

Challenges And Advancements In Magnet Technologies For The eVTOL Sector

Niklas Volbers, Director Advanced Research, VAC Magnetics, LLC
The critical role of magnet technologies, the challenges faced in their application and the latest advancements that are driving innovation. We will discuss the importance of magnets in eVTOL propulsion systems, sensors, and other essential components, highlighting new developments that are enhancing performance, efficiency, and reliability.
Material Constraints:
  • Discussing the limitations of current magnetic materials, including rare earth dependency and supply chain issues
  • Addressing the impact of temperature and environmental conditions on magnet performance
Design and Integration:
  • Challenges in integrating magnets into compact and lightweight eVTOL designs
  • Balancing magnetic strength with weight reduction and structural integrity
Thermal Management:
  • Managing the heat generated by magnets in high-power applications
  • Ensuring thermal stability and preventing demagnetization under operating conditions
Advancements in Magnet Technologies
  • Exploration of emerging magnetic materials that offer better performance and lower environmental impact
  • Development of high-temperature-resistant magnets and their benefits for eVTOL applications
  • Advancements in manufacturing processes to improve the quality and consistency of magnets
  • Techniques for reducing material waste and enhancing the sustainability of magnet production
Enhanced Design Approaches:
  • Innovative design strategies to maximize magnetic efficiency while minimizing weight
  • Case studies of successful magnet integration in cutting-edge eVTOL prototypes
Applications of Advanced Magnets in eVTOL Systems
Electric Propulsion Systems:
  • Detailed analysis of the use of advanced magnets in electric motors for propulsion
  • Benefits of new magnet technologies in improving motor efficiency and reducing weight
Sensor and Control Systems:
  • Utilization of magnets in precision sensors and control systems for enhanced flight dynamics
  • Integration of magnetic sensors in navigation and feedback systems
Auxiliary Systems and Components:
  • Application of magnets in auxiliary systems such as cooling fans, actuators, and landing gear
  • Innovations in magnetic clamping and fastening solutions for battery modules
  • Potential breakthroughs in magnetic materials and technologies
  • Impact of these advancements on the future of eVTOL design and performance

Addressing Cybersecurity Challenges In The eVTOL Sector

As the eVTOL sector evolves, ensuring robust cybersecurity measures is critical for the safe and efficient integration of these aircraft into urban air mobility systems. This session will delve into the key challenges and concerns surrounding cybersecurity for eVTOLs, exploring advanced strategies and solutions to safeguard data integrity, communication, autonomous systems, and more.
  • Key cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities specific to eVTOLs
  • Implementing encryption and data integrity measures in eVTOL systems
  • Identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities in eVTOL software and hardware
  • Protecting control systems, navigation, and communication from exploits
  • Conducting vulnerability assessments and penetration testing
  • Developing real-time threat detection and response systems
  • Advanced monitoring tools for identifying suspicious activities and potential breaches
  • Challenges in securing autonomous flight control systems
  • Securing communication links between eVTOLs, air traffic control, and ground support systems
  • Navigating regulatory compliance for eVTOL cybersecurity
  • Securing the eVTOL supply chain to prevent the introduction of malicious components or software
  • Ensuring secure integration of eVTOL systems with urban infrastructure

Afternoon Networking Break


Powering The Future: Overcoming Challenges In Electric Motors For eVTOLs

This technical conference session will delve into the complexities of designing and integrating electric motors for electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft. As a critical component of eVTOLs, electric motors face numerous challenges that must be addressed to ensure efficiency, reliability, and safety. This session will cover key challenges such as power density, thermal management, reliability, noise reduction, and integration with power electronics.
Power Density and Efficiency
  • Achieving high power-to-weight ratios for optimal flight performance
  • Enhancing energy efficiency to maximize battery life and flight duration.
  • Innovative design solutions for high power density and efficiency in eVTOL motors
Thermal Management
  • Strategies for effective heat dissipation in high-power electric motors
  • Development of lightweight and efficient cooling systems
Reliability and Durability
  • Ensuring long lifespan and operational reliability of eVTOL motors
  • Designing motors to withstand vibrations, shocks, and demanding operational cycles
Noise Reduction
  • Techniques for minimizing noise generated by electric motors
  • Acoustic design features and materials for noise dampening
Scalability and Manufacturability
  • Approaches to mass-producing electric motors for eVTOL aircraft
  • Balancing cost efficiency with high quality and performance standards
Integration with Power Electronics
  • Ensuring seamless integration between electric motors and motor controllers
  • Achieving precise synchronization between multiple motors for stable flight control
Battery Compatibility
  • Designing motors compatible with the voltage and current output of eVTOL batteries
  • Optimizing motor performance with battery management systems (BMS)
Weight and Space Constraints
  • Creating compact and lightweight motor designs for eVTOL applications
  • Selecting advanced materials for high strength-to-weight ratios and enhanced performance
Regulatory Compliance
  • Navigating certification standards for safety and performance in electric motors
  • Complying with environmental regulations regarding noise and emissions

Pioneering The Skies With The Autonomous eVTOL Cargo Drone Revolution

Manal Habib, CEO, MightyFly
  • FAA Approval and Flight Corridor Significance: Understand the importance of receiving FAA approval for a flight corridor connecting Californian airports and how this milestone allows for comprehensive flight tests and marks a significant step forward for autonomous drone logistics
  • Beyond Visual Line of Sight Operations: Explore the critical aspect of beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations, which are essential for scaling large-scale drone logistics. Learn how the use of a chase plane to test eVTOL beyond visual line of sight sets a precedent for future drone operations
  • Innovative Design and Capabilities of the Cento: Discover the features of the latest hybrid cargo drone capable of carrying 100 lbs. of cargo up to 600 miles. Its fully autonomous operation, including loading and unloading packages and internal weight adjustment, represents a significant advancement in drone technology
  • B2B Expedited Logistics Use Cases: Gain insights into the practical applications of cargo drones in various sectors such as deliveries between suppliers and manufacturers, hospitals and labs, warehouses and retail stores, as well as remote locations like oil rigs, farms, and mining sites, and for Department of Defense
  • Future Prospects and Expansion Plans: Learn about plans to demonstrate the ability of cargo drones to commercial operators and the US Air Force, alongside an upcoming Series A investment round aimed at scaling manufacturing

Developing New Standards For Vertiport Design And Operation

An in-depth technical session that addresses the multifaceted challenges of developing and implementing vertiports for the burgeoning eVTOL (electric vertical takeoff and landing) aircraft sector. This session will cover the critical infrastructure, regulatory, technological, operational, and societal hurdles and present innovative solutions to ensure the successful integration of vertiports into urban environments.
  • Overcoming Challenges in Developing Vertiports for the eVTOL Sector
  • Strategies for identifying suitable locations in urban areas
  • Integrating vertiports with existing transportation infrastructure
  • Structural requirements and design considerations for vertiports
  • Ensuring scalability for future growth
  • Addressing high energy demands with robust electrical infrastructure
  • Incorporating sustainable energy solutions for long-term viability
  • Developing new standards for vertiport design and operation
  • Navigating certification processes with aviation authorities
  • Integrating vertiport operations with existing air traffic control systems
  • Developing new airspace management protocols for urban air mobility

Noise And Vibration Considerations In eVTOL Aircraft And Methods Of Control For The Comfort Of The Pilot And Passengers On Board

  • The FAA and EASA have formed working groups on Noise Vibration Harshness (NVH) to formulate strict noise regulations and ensure compliance by different eVTOL manufacturers on acceptable community noise levels (exterior noise) and pilot and passenger comfort levels during air travel (interior noise)
  • Research facilities under the aegis of the NASA have been assisting FAA in developing eVTOL aircraft concept designs, developing generic codes for predicting the performance and noise signatures of these aircraft, and analysing and characterising the noise generated by these vehicles
  • The common sources of noise and vibrations are the engine, transmission, and propulsion system, therefore designing a new system requires careful considerations and mitigation plans to eliminate undesirable noise and vibration, especially for mass produced products
  • Typical solutions involve isolating the source of excitation, applying dampeners, and detuning structural resonances, however, these fixes typically require adding more mass and weight to the aircraft or redesigning its structure (trading off the performance)

Designing Frameless Motors For eVTOLs: Minimizing Weight And Maximizing Torque Density

The development of frameless motors that are both lightweight and capable of delivering high torque density is critical for the success of electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft. This session will explore the key design principles and technological innovations in creating frameless motors that meet these demanding criteria.
  • Balancing weight and torque: Designing motors that are lightweight yet powerful
  • Thermal management: Ensuring efficient heat dissipation in high-torque-density motors
  • Vibration and durability: Addressing the mechanical stresses in eVTOL operations
  • Magnetic Design: Optimizing magnetic circuits to enhance torque density.Techniques for maximizing magnetic flux and reducing losses
  • Stator and Rotor Design: Advanced configurations for improved performance.Utilizing high-strength materials and precision manufacturing
  • Lightweight materials: Choosing materials that reduce weight without compromising strength
  • Composite materials: Benefits of using composites in motor components
  • Ensuring compatibility with eVTOL power electronics and control systems
  • Strategies for seamless integration of motors into eVTOL airframes.
  • Importance of modularity and scalability in motor design

Navigating Challenges In Fly-by-Wire Systems For eVTOL Aircraft

Join us for an in-depth session that explores the unique challenges and solutions associated with implementing fly-by-wire (FBW) systems in electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft. This session will provide valuable insights into the technical, operational, regulatory, integration, and economic hurdles that must be overcome to ensure the successful deployment of FBW systems.
  • Understand the major technical, operational, regulatory, integration, and economic challenges in deploying FBW systems for eVTOL aircraft
  • Gain insights into advanced technologies and solutions addressing these challenges
  • Learn about the regulatory landscape and the development of new standards and protocols for safe and efficient eVTOL operations
  • Explore the legal implications and necessary frameworks to ensure accountability and safety in autonomous flight
  • Importance of addressing key challenges for safe and efficient deployment
  • Ensuring high reliability and implementing redundancy in FBW systems
  • Designing lightweight and compact FBW systems to meet eVTOL requirements
  • Achieving energy-efficient power management and reliable power sources
  • Protecting FBW systems from EMI in urban environments
  • Integrating advanced obstacle detection and avoidance technologies
  • Developing and meeting new certification standards for eVTOL FBW systems
  • Establishing robust safety protocols for FBW systems in eVTOLs
  • Integrating sensors and actuators into a cohesive FBW system
  • Real-time data processing for accurate flight control
  • Developing and validating complex software for eVTOL flight dynamics


Overcoming Challenges In Autonomous eVTOL Deployment

An in-depth session addressing the critical challenges and obstacles in the development and deployment of autonomous electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft. This session will explore the multifaceted hurdles spanning technical, regulatory, and societal domains, providing a comprehensive overview and potential solutions.
  • Flight Control and Stability
    • Ensuring precise and reliable control in varying weather conditions and complex urban environments
    • Advanced algorithms and robust flight control systems for stability and safety
  • Battery Technology
    • Current limitations and necessary improvements in battery energy density and longevity
    • Addressing battery weight, charging times, and thermal management
  • Sensor Integration and Redundancy
    • Navigation, obstacle detection, and collision avoidance using LiDAR, radar, and cameras
    • Ensuring sensor redundancy to handle failures
  • Software Reliability
    • Developing fail-safe software capable of handling numerous contingencies
    • Comprehensive testing to ensure flawless operation
  • Communication Systems
    • Necessity of reliable V2I and V2V communication systems
    • Challenges of ensuring uninterrupted, low-latency communication in urban settings
  • Certification and Standards
    • Rigorous testing and compliance with aviation safety standards
    • Development of new standards for autonomous and electric aviation
  • Air Traffic Management (ATM)
    • Integration of autonomous eVTOLs into existing ATM systems
    • Development of new ATM solutions and protocols for congested urban airspace
  • Legal and Liability Issues
    • Determining liability in case of accidents or malfunctions
    • Establishing clear legal frameworks for autonomous eVTOL operations

Navigating Technical And Regulatory Hurdles In eVTOL Development

Aaron Koopman, Director of Airworthiness and Certification, COLLINEAR GROUP
Session Overview:
  • A comprehensive examination of the technical challenges and regulatory landscapes that are shaping the future of eVTOL vehicles. Industry experts will share insights into overcoming the engineering complexities and navigating the intricate regulatory frameworks necessary for the successful development and deployment of eVTOL technologies.
Certification and Airworthiness Standards:
  • Understanding the current certification processes for eVTOLs and the role of aviation authorities such as FAA and EASA
  • Identifying key airworthiness standards and compliance requirements
Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Regulations:
  • Examining the regulatory frameworks for urban air mobility, including airspace management and operational regulations
  • Addressing public safety and environmental impact concerns
Infrastructure and Integration:
  • Developing the necessary infrastructure, such as vertiports and charging stations, to support eVTOL operations
  • Integrating eVTOLs into existing transportation networks and urban planning
Public-Private Partnerships:
  • Highlighting the role of collaborations between government bodies, private companies, and research institutions
  • Case studies on successful public-private partnerships in eVTOL development
Standardization and Industry Consortia:
  • Promoting standardization across the industry to ensure interoperability and safety
  • Participating in industry consortia and working groups to drive consensus on technical and regulatory standards

Closing Remarks


All Attendee Evening Drink Reception

Collinear Group
Drinks Reception Sponsor